Join Arun Choral Society
Do you enjoy the moments when you sing away to yourself whilst working or washing up? If the answer is yes, we’d love to hear from you!
Meet Arun Choral Society. We are based in Arundel and we perform our concerts in Arundel Cathedral and the surrounding area. We love performing large choral works, but we also sing from a variety of genres as well as performing with school children at our Christmas concerts.
“It is pure enjoyment to make music together”
— Choir member
Choirs are very popular these days and for good reasons. They are fun, singing is good for you and they offer an exciting social life too. It doesn't matter whether you're a singer with over 20 years experience or you've just started getting into it, we would love to welcome you to our Society. Our diverse Society has a wide age range from 18 years old to well... a little bit older!
“I wanted to meet some new people because we’ve recently moved to the area”
— Choir member
We are a large choir and our members are a very friendly and welcoming bunch. If you have never sung with an orchestra or rehearsed with Dr Joe Paxton, our dynamic Musical Director, then you've missed out on something amazing! And don’t worry if you haven’t sung in a choir before or can’t read music… neither are essential to be able to join.
“The choir allows me to forget the stresses of work and just sing. It has been great!”
— Choir member
Find out more about joining Arun Choral Society
Join us for a trial session
We understand joining a new group can be daunting, but we're here to help you get started! When you arrive at your first rehearsal, introduce yourself to anyone and they will help you with everything you need… from music to explaining what happens. And your trial session won't cost you a penny!
We rehearse on Monday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.30pm during term time at Arundel CE School, Jarvis Road, Arundel, BN18 9HT. We’d love to meet you!
You can come along, meet us and sing with us at any rehearsal with no obligation. Just email our friendly membership secretary Dee who will be more than happy to help.
“This is a really special choral society with over 100 years of history. It's a very close knit group of friends and it's a very friendly and warm atmosphere.”
— Dr Joe Paxton, Musical Director
Frequently asked questions
Where and when are our rehearsals?
We rehearse every Monday from 7.30pm to 9.30pm during term time at the Arundel CE School, Jarvis Road, Arundel, BN18 9HT. You can come along, meet us and sing with us at any rehearsal with no obligation. Just email our friendly membership secretary Dee at who will be more than happy to help.
What does it cost to join?
If you decide to join us, our annual subscription is currently £100 which is payable at the start of our singing year in September. This does not include the cost of musical scores, but these can usually be hired for a nominal amount.
Will I need to read music?
No, you don't need to be able to read music. Some members can read music and many of us have some knowledge of how to read a score, but this has generally been learned after years of singing with choirs.
“I don't read music, so the rehearsals are very important to me. Joe, the Musical Director, is very good with this. I enjoy learning and it's a great sense of satisfaction.”
— Choir member
Will I have to do an audition?
No, you won't have to do an audition. After having attended for a few weeks, we will ask you to sing something of your choice privately, in front of a small assessment panel. This is just to check that you are singing in the right voice range.
Will everybody laugh at me because I get it wrong?
If we laughed at everyone who got it wrong, we would be laughing all night! Monday rehearsals are the time to get it wrong and that is how we learn. But when we get it right, it's a wonderful feeling!
I’d like to get involved, but I don’t want to sing
If you’d like to get involved with Arun Choral Society but don’t want to sing, why not become a Patron of Arun Choral Society? Click the link below to find out more…
Get in touch
We're a friendly bunch and would love for you to join our Choral Society. If you have any other questions or just want to chat with us before you make a decision, please contact our membership secretary Dee at